Shiva – the Lord of Time

Shiva – the Lord of Time

A “Kala Sarpa Yoga” is a celestial formation of planets within a ‘Serpent’ alignment. We are in the midst of such an event that began in December 2021 and ends in April 2022. We are currently approaching the peak of this astrological event,...
Astrological Weather: A Profound, Serpent-energy Alignment

Astrological Weather: A Profound, Serpent-energy Alignment

Beginning this December 2021 until April 2022, we are seeing once again the formation of an astrological Kala Sarpa Yoga in the zodiac – also known as the Serpent of Time. During this occurence, all of the planets are aligned between the lunar nodes of Rahu and...
Nurturing the Sacred Fire (Agni)

Nurturing the Sacred Fire (Agni)

During the lunar month of “Kartika” as per the Hindu calendar (October-November), the Nakshatra (constellation) of “Krittika” comes in to focus. Krittika is that part of the zodiac where the sacred fire of ‘Agni’ burns as a...
Jupiter & Saturn Conjunct: Unfolding Joyous Karma

Jupiter & Saturn Conjunct: Unfolding Joyous Karma

On September 14th, 2021, Jupiter retrograded back in to the sign of Capricorn after a few months spent in the sign of Aquarius. Jupiter’s current transit to Capricorn joins it with Saturn once again, until November 20th this year.    When Jupiter and Saturn...
Dashami: The Tenth Day of Victory

Dashami: The Tenth Day of Victory

The Tenth House of the Astrological Chart is considered to be the chart’s marker of success and achievement. It shows the overcoming of challenges and a ‘victory’ over hurdles that appear on the path. When an astrologer looks for indications about career and...
Bhagavad Gita: A Selection of Verses

Bhagavad Gita: A Selection of Verses

Sri Krishna — charming cowherd, glorious king, mentor extraordinaire and divine incarnation — lived over five thousand years ago. His early years were spent in a quaint town called Vrindavan in Northern India. Krishna is the soul of the Mahabharata, the brilliance of...