On September 14th, 2021, Jupiter retrograded back in to the sign of Capricorn after a few months spent in the sign of Aquarius. Jupiter’s current transit to Capricorn joins it with Saturn once again, until November 20th this year.
When Jupiter and Saturn conjunct in the same zodiac sign, astrological indications point to significant times of shifting realities, as we have been experiencing in pronounced ways since the beginning of 2020 when the conjunction first occured after nearly two decades.
Think of Jupiter as the expansive qualities of hope, trust and a belief in possibilities. This Jupiterian force now meets Saturn’s realism, bringing to the fore issues and circumstances that may be perceived as hindrances to growth. While this may slow down our plans a little, it presents an opportunity to delve deeper in to inner reservoirs of trust and hope, and pour these in to the action or karma that we perform. The way forward from feeling ‘stagnant’ is to kindle an optimism that is based on practical wisdom and life experience, and translate that in to meaningful steps.
During this time, the path upon which we take the steps forward comes in to question. How can we keep our sights turned forward without the burdens of our past slowing us down?
The Yogic practice of Bhakti or devotion transforms the need for control in to the quality of acting without agitated attachment about the outcome. “Thy will be done” is a beautiful intention to set before you commence actions during this time. Saturn demands that we do the work at hand to the best of our abilities. Bhakti can make this part of the journey a lot more pleasant for us.
Wherever this conjunction occurs in your astrological chart is the area of life where the intensity of the conjunction is felt most.
During this time, the way forward is through ornamenting your actions with inner joy. Is there something you need to do differently? Are there ways in which you can bring more heart in to what you do? Look for ways to offer a little more of your authentic self through your actions, even if this means changing the direction of where you put your energy for a while, so that you can be more fully present to where it is required most.
Sharing with you this shloka (verse) from the Bhagavad Gita, spoken to Arjuna by Sri Krishna:
yoga-sthaḥ kuru karmāṇi saṅgaṁ tyaktvā dhanañjaya
siddhy-asiddhyoḥ samo bhūtvā samatvaṁ yoga uchyate || 2.48 ||
“Established in Yoga (union with the Higher Self), perform action,
abandoning attachment to success or failure.
Equilibrium, verily, is known as Yoga.”
With love and peace,
Sai Ganesh Nagpal
For astrological consultations, please click here: Astro-Counselling with Sai