Eclipses in October 2023
Astrologically speaking, when eclipses dim the light of the Sun and the Moon – the Cosmic Luminaries – these events provide an extraordinary opportunity for the individual to access deeper insight.
There are two eclipses occurring in the month of October 2023. A solar eclipse on Saturday October 14, and a lunar eclipse on Saturday, October 28.
This particular eclipse season is unique, in that many of the major planets will align themselves with the eclipse nodes, building up to a ‘Serpent of Time’ alignment around October 29, that holds massive potential for shifts, changes, re-alignments and intensified global events.
According to Vedic Astrology, these two eclipses will occur on the cusp of Virgo/Libra, and in the sign of Aries. Depending on where these signs are located in your birth chart, the areas influenced by the signs could experience changes, shifts in perspective, and often a sense of great responsibility towards a new beginning or new event. Bringing the event into manifestation might demand a lot from you, and it is most beneficial to anchor yourself during this eclipse season, through spiritual practices.
Change, transformation and evolution are a part of Nature’s way of leading us forward. Above all, trust in the path ahead, and let your inspiration flow from a higher source that renews and rejuvenates your commitment to being authentic to your Self, within a time when relationships can test your patience and will.
Mantra chanting, meditations, Yoga practices, silent sitting, reading of uplifting philosophies – all of these assist the seeker with tuning in to the highest wisdom of these alignments.
Sending a prayer to the Divine Mother, for all those who are in pain in our world. This time of intense shifts will not be easy for some, and for those of us who are taken care of and well, please live each moment in gratitude and humility.
For astrological consultations with Sai Ganesh Nagpal, please click here: Astro-Counselling with Sai