Solstice Constellations (Nakshatras) on Dec 21 & June 21 reveal the flow of time
Since approximately the year 1450 CE onwards, the winter and summer solstices have been occurring in the constellations of ‘Moola‘ and ‘Ardra‘ respectively. These constellations, ruled by Ketu and Rahu, have the energy of great storms, capable of completely transforming an age of time, often through tumultuous upheavals at first. In the 21st century, we are right at the center of this timeline of deep transformation, where the foundational beliefs and principles that govern civilisation have the potential to shift entirely. This process happens over decades, and therefore becoming too attached to one particular outcome at this moment is futile, as the ground keeps shifting dramatically.
It is no wonder that we find ourselves on the cusp of a time like no other, where we have access to the extreme polarities of both Rahu (who engages an often insatiable appetite for power, pleasure, material growth), as well as Ketu (that disengages with the world and creates an individual’s calling towards an alternate reality/dimension).
As we move further in to this time, the barriers of conventional religious institutions that have determined the moral codes for societies over centuries become less relevant and start to break down, causing a vacuum that will eventually be filled by other types of structures.
In some societies, this will create stronger movements for a revival of ancient cultural and spiritual roots, as people feel a great need to ground their energies once again. And yet, the old ways must continuously evolve, or they will not stand the test of this stormy time.
Deepening the experience of Consciousness (Sat-Chid-Ananda) is like an anchor through such an age, and paths for this will become more accessible to many. Wildly fluctuating external realities can cause much agitation, and many illusions will appear and dissolve – the storms of Ardra ensure this.
The forms of Mahadeva (Lord Shiva) and Maha Devi, the Great Goddess, become increasingly important as they channel the enormous creative and disruptive potential within Ardra and Moola. As a civilisation, we will find our center once again – this is the promise of the stars – not necessarily on a timeline of our choosing, though.
Shiva, as the master of time, teaches mastery over the need to control the outcome of time as well.
“Om Namah Shivaaya” ~ “Om Maha Devyai Namaha”
With love and peace,
Sai Ganesh Nagpal
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